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Team 14 Classroom

🐻 API Progress Check-In 🐻

Posted on Sep 27th, 2022

πŸ—“οΈ Today’s Topics

  • How are the projects coming along? πŸ‘€
  • Revisiting image uploads to AWS
  • Automatic deploys from GitHub

🎯 Projects due on Thursday afternoon

Your APIs are doing more and more each day. Keep on testing and refining. πŸ’ͺ πŸš€

We will use class time today to get you past any blockers you may be experiencing.

By now you should have provided your front end with endpoints for almost all of the CRUD functions for the resources your project needs. You should be making any changes requested by the front-end devs on your team (for example, you may find that you need to change your serializers to include additional data or a different type of data); troubleshooting issues that come up for the front end (are the POSt requests to create resources working as you expected?) and fixing bugs they discover; and perhaps implementing spicy features.

πŸ”– Resources

Heroku GitHub integration

This is optional but can be helpful if you are tired of manual deploys and have the hang of merging PRs on GitHub.

πŸ‘Ύ Code

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