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Team 14 Classroom

🐍 Writing Python 🐍

Posted on Aug 9th, 2022

🗓️ Today’s topics

  • Python
    • variables
    • if statements
    • while loops
    • Practice with Turtle
    • Input and output with input and print
    • Functions

✅ TODO today

Sign up for this practice site:Exercism.

Please sign up using your GitHub account (getting started instructions) and choose the Python track. Make sure that you are in Practice Mode.

If your exercises are locked you need to switch from Learning Mode to Practice Mode. Here’s a short video showing you how to do that.

You can use the in-browser editor, or work through their command line setup walkthrough to install Exercism on your computer.

⚠️ To run the tests locally, you will need a testing library called pytest installed. To install the necessary dependencies, run the following at the command line (it does not matter what directory you are in when you pip install something):

pip install pytest pytest-cache

Exercises we will work on in class:

  1. Hello World
  2. Two Fer
  3. Raindrops

And at least 1 of the following, your choice:

  • Scrabble Score
  • Hamming
  • Resistor color

Be sure to read the instructions for each exercise carefully. Here is a guide to running the Python tests on Exercism.

If you get through all four of these, please continue with other exercises that seem interesting or fun to you. There are lots to choose from, and you want as much practice with Python as you can get.

🎯 Project

Please complete the Python section through “More iterating with Python” by Wednesday morning, 8/10.

🥡 How to submit your work

When you submit your solution for an exercism, you have the option to publish it. Please publish your solutions for the four exercisms required as specified above. You will then be able to see all your published solutions on your profile page.

You can find your profile page by clicking on your user avatar on Exercism and choosing “Public Profile” from the menu.

To submit your work, paste the URL for your Exercism profile page into this form.

🔖 Resources

Essential Python Resources

RealPython: Basic Python Tutorials

These articles are way more in-depth than you need right now, but they are good references for more information, if you feel you need that.

📓 Jupyter Notebooks

💁 Asking Questions + Getting Help

🦉 Code & Notes

Tags: phase-2 python

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