Getting Data Using APIs with JS and Fetch
Posted on Aug 2nd, 2022
Today’s topics
- The next task is to start working with fetch and AJAX.
- Using JSON for data
- Basics of HTTP requests
- Make GET requests with Insomnia client
- Make GET requests using the Fetch API and display response data on a page
🎯 Project: MyTunes
You will build a clone of iTunes using the iTunes API. It will be due Thursday morning.
🔖 Resources
AJAX, Fetch, & JSON
- MDN Fetch API
- MDN fetch() method
- CSS-Tricks article on using Fetch
- MDN Working with JSON
- Code Academy Lesson on Fetch
- AJAX explained by analogy
Fetch requests use JavaScript promises to handle responses. Promises are a much bigger topic than we will get into right now, but if you want to know more about what a promise is and how to use it beyond the context of AJAX requests, you can start with the MDN documentation about it.