JS Objects
Posted on Aug 1st, 2022
Today’s topics
- Introduction to the object data structure in JavaScript
- Storing data in and retrieving data from objects
- Using DOM manipulation to render data from objects on the page
🎯 Project: Build a customer directory
- Customer Database Link to assignment invitation
- We will be working on this assignment as teams in class.
- ➡️ Continue to preview the next topic, Asynchronous JavaScript and the Fetch API, by completing this section in Thinkific. We will use what we are learning about objects to handle the data we get back from our
🔖 Resources
- MDN JavaScript Object Basics
- Eloquent JavaScript, chapter 4: Objects and Arrays
- Eloquent JavaScript Objectos enm Español
- blog post on JS objects
- Prettier Code Formatter This is information about the extenstion that you can (and should) install in VS Code.
- How to format code with Prettier
- Podcast on learning to code with the founder of Code Newbie, Saron Yitbarek
- Rebecca Murphey on using objects to write more concise code (short video)
- Lodash - This is a JS utility library – lots of handy little functions that can make it easier to do common things
- Moment.js - This is a very commonly used library for working with dates in JS. It’s big and kind of old, but handy for reformatting how dates are displayed. You could also check out modern alternatives like Luxon or date-fns.
🦉 Code, Notes & Videos
- Notes on JS objects
- Example of a basic working calculator - This is just one way you can do this!
- Example: working with JS object data and the DOM